Portfolio - References
With over 700 congresses and conferences organized over the globe, Medicongress can be considered as an experienced company where larger or smaller events always receive the personal and dedicated approach they deserve.

Annual Meeting Benelux Society of Phlebology
- 2022

BeSARPP Annual Meeting
- 2021
Each year, our Society succeeds in designing a truly magnificent scientific program during our Annual Meeting in November. The topic of this year’s meeting

Meet The Experts 2021 Meeting
- 2021
Dear Colleagues and Friends, The promotion of quality management is essential. Treatment outcome assessment, research outcomes, guidelines, best

1st National Congress on Sports Physiotherapy
- 2021
The 'Belgian Federation of Sports Physiotherapy' is proud to present its first national congress for Sports Physiotheraphie on Saturday 18 December 2021.

Bone Curriculum Symposium & Pre-Symposium on Rare Bone Diseases
- 2021
We are pleased to invite you to join the face-to-face Bone Curriculum Symposium and the Pre-Symposium on Rare Bone Diseases organised by the KBVR /

Domus Medica Huisartsenconferentie en Vakbeurs
- 2021
In één dag hebt u samen met 800 huisartsen en andere zorgprofessionals uit de eerste lijn toegang tot ruim 70 geaccrediteerde sessies en meer dan 90

Hemodialyse Update: Van theorie naar praktijk
- 2021
Op 1 en 2 oktober 2021 organiseren de afdelingen nierziekten van de ZNA en GZA ziekenhuisgroepen een dialysecursus met als titel Hemodialyse Update:

DXA Radioprotection Course 2021
- 2021
We take great pleasure in inviting you to the DXA Radioprotection Course 2021, which will take place in Brussels on Saturday 20 November. This Course is

25th Belgian Congress on Rheumatology
- 2021
The Royal Belgian Society for Rheumatology takes great pleasure in announcing the 25th Belgian Congress on Rheumatology, taking place at the Egg in

12th International Congress on Spondyloarthritides
- 2021
Dear colleagues and friends, Unprecedented times… required unprecedented measures. Due to the worldwide pandemic, we were not be able to invite

17th International Conference on Renewable Resources & Biorefineries
- 2021
The three day international conference will consist of plenary lectures, oral presentations, poster sessions and an exhibition. Companies and research

Annual Meeting Benelux Society of Phlebology - POSTPONED to 2022
- 2021
The Annual Meeting of the Benelux Society of Phlebology, in collaboration with the Dutch College of Phlebology (DCoP) and the Belgian Society for Vascular

24th Belgian Congress on Rheumatology
- 2021
Due to the persistently high number of infections and hospitalisations, we hereby inform you that the live congress that was scheduled in March will be

- 2018
Belgian Congress on Rheumatology Ostend, Brussels, Spa, Bruges, Leuven, Genk 400 participants

- 7.:::..:::..:::..:::.
European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health We have been appointed as the official PCO for the 2017 and 2019 editions of the ECTMIH.

- 2017
International Congress on Spondyloarthritides Bi-Annualy at Ghent Opera

World Arthroplasty Congress
- 2018
The World Arthroplasty Congress was held in Rome in 2018 and hosted 1500 participants from all over the world.

- 2017
International Conference on Computers, Privacy & Data Protection. 2016-2017-2018-2019-2020 750 participants

- 2017
International Conference on Renewable Resources & Biorefineries Last editions: 2015: York, UK - 2016: Ghent, Belgium - 2017: Wroclav, Poland - 2018:

- 2017
European Knee Society Open Meeting was hosted in London in 2017 and in Rome in 2019

IUPAC 2019
- 2018
European Congress on Crop Protection Ghent, Belgium 1500 participants

- 2018
Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back and Pelvic Girdle Pain 2013: Dubai, UAE - 2016: Singapore - 2019, Antwerp, Belgium 750 participants

CAOS 2019
- 2019
Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery.

- 2019
International Conference on Recrystallization and Grain Growth

- 2018
Bringing together several Spine societies, since 2004 Previous editions: 2004: Porto, Portugal 2016: Singapore 2000 participants

CPDP 2021
- 2021
CPDP gathers academics, lawyers, practitioners, policy-makers, industry and civil society from all over the world in Brussels, offering them an arena to

3rd World Arthroplasty Congress
- 2021
Organized by the European Knee Society (EKS), the International Congress for Joint Reconstruction (ICJR) and supported by the European Hip Society (EHS),

- 2021
Virtual International Conference on Applied and Analytical Pyrolysis